6 Fall Power Foods For Your Healthy Teeth

6 Fall Power Foods For Your Healthy Teeth

September 5, 2022

Eating healthier is good for your teeth, gums, mouth, and overall well-being. While some foods are good for your overall well-being, they might negatively impact oral health. For instance, carbohydrates are essential in the body to produce energy. However, high carbs can encourage the growth of bacteria in the mouth, increasing your risk of developing cavities and gum disease.

That said, it’s essential to understand which foods are good for your mouth and which are not. This article highlights the top 6 foods popular in the fall season that you can include in your diet for healthy teeth and mouth.

  • Dairy products

Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are good for your overall well-being and mouth. First, they are rich sources of protein and calcium, strengthening and remineralizing your teeth. Second, they stimulate saliva production, which is essential to wash away bacteria and neutralize acids in the mouth.

Dairy products like kefir and yogurt contain probiotics, which promote the good bacteria in the mouth and aid digestion. When using dairy, take them unsweetened or add a healthy sweetener like honey.

  • Leafy greens

A large bowl of vegetables contains numerous nutrients and only a few calories. Many vegetables are rich in calcium, B vitamins, and folic acids, strengthening teeth. Veggies such as broccoli, kales, and spinach are also rich in water and fiber, which promote saliva production needed to wash away bacteria and debris from the mouth.

  • Crunchy veggies and fruits

Crunchy vegetables and fruits to eat in the fall include broccoli, apples, grapes, celery, pears, and carrots. They act like a natural toothbrush that scrubs away plaque and bacteria from the teeth and mouth. They also encourage the flow of saliva that helps wash away plaque and neutralize acids in the mouth. These fruits and vegetables also contain essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, calcium, and keratins, which strengthen the teeth.

  • Nuts

Eating nuts can help you maintain good dental and overall health. Nuts contain numerous nutrients like calcium, vitamins D, E, B6, iron, and zinc which are great for avoiding tooth erosion by acids and sugar. Chewing nuts also promotes saliva production that helps neutralize acids and scrap-off plaque from the mouth. Good thing nuts are easily accessible throughout the year. Great nuts include cashew nuts, almonds, and brazil nuts.

  • Water

While water isn’t food, it’s worth mentioning. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, preventing a dry mouth. A dry mouth can encourage bacteria and acid attacks on your teeth, increasing your risk of decay.

Water helps clear away bacteria and neutralize acids, protecting your tooth against erosion. Fluoride in tap water further remineralizes and strengthens your teeth. Always rinse with water after eating sugary, acidic, and colored foods.

  • Lean proteins

Proteins like fatty fish, beef, poultry, and tofu benefit teeth and gums. These meats contain essential proteins and minerals like calcium and phosphorus that help strengthen your teeth.

Chewing these foods also increases saliva production in the mouth, which decreases mouth acidity and washes away debris and bacteria from the mouth. Fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel, and tuna are rich in Omega 3 oils and vitamin D, which promote good dental health.

Bad Foods for your Teeth

Now that you know what food is good for your dental health, below are foods you should avoid:

  • Sugary and starchy items. Sweets, caramels, cough drops, and chips encourage bacteria growth in the mouth, increasing your risk of cavities and gum disease. You can replace these with veggies and fruits. The best fruits to eat in fall include apples, grapes, pears, and cranberry.
  • Highly colored foods. Highly pigmented items like coffee, tea, red wine, and soda contain staining agents which can cause teeth stains over time.
  • Acidic items. Acidic items like apple cider vinegar and limes can erode the tooth’s enamel, encouraging decay and stains.
  • Carbonated soft drinks. Most drinks contain lots of sugar and acidity, which puts you at a greater risk of tooth erosion and decay.
  • Items that dry the mouth. Certain items like medications and alcohol can cause encourage a dry mouth, increasing your risk of tooth erosion and decay.

In addition to a healthy diet, you can improve your dental health through excellent dental hygiene and habits, fluoride-based toothpaste, and routine dental check-ups and cleanings.

Schedule an Appointment Today

For more information about caring for your dental health, contact Yelena Popkova, DDS, to speak with our dentist in Merrimack, NH.

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