How Do You Fix Your Jaw If It Locks?

How Do You Fix Your Jaw If It Locks?

November 1, 2022

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and tetanus is common. Unfortunately, it can be uncomfortable and cause difficulty opening the mouth, eating, or speaking. While jaw stiffness can resolve independently after a while, it’s essential to seek professional care to determine the underlying cause and get treatment. For instance, jaw problems caused by arthritis, or traumatic injuries can lead to severe complications when not addressed timely. Contact our general dentist near you for TMJ treatment in Merrimack, NH.

Symptoms of a TMD jaw

Based on the condition, your symptoms may vary from mild to severe. Activities like opening your mouth, chewing, or yawning will likely worsen your symptoms. Visit our general dentistry in Merrimack if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Tight, stiff, or locked jaw
  • Throbbing, tender, or severe jaw pain
  • Pain on the face, head, teeth, neck, ear, mouth, and nose
  • Limited motion when you are trying to open the mouth
  • Popping or clicking jaw sounds

Reasons for a TMD

  • Temporomandibular joint disorder
  • Severe stress and anxiety. Mental problems can cause one to grind or grind their teeth unconsciously, causing too much strain to the jaw muscles and leading to stiffness.
  • Bruxism.Regular and chronic teethgrinding and jaw clenching can irritate the jaw muscles, causing tightness and soreness in the jaw and face.
  • Excessive chewing. Continually chewing can strain the jaw muscles, resulting in jaw tightness.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. It’s an autoimmune inflammatory disorder that affects muscles and joints in the body.
  • Facial trauma. Injuries to the jaw or face can cause pain and tightness.
  • Certain medications. Cancer treatments like radiation and surgery can trigger jaw stiffness and pain.

Treating TMD

Common treatments to relieve TMD  include:

  • Exercises. muscle-targeted exercises can help relax and reduce the tension in your jaw, relieving stiffness and discomfort. Dr.Popkova will evaluate and guide on how to do the correct exercise.
  • Mouth guards. If your jaw pain is caused by teeth grinding or clenching, you can consult your dentist about a custom-made mouth guard to reduce the pressure on the jaw and prevent jaw stiffness and pain. It will also prevent teeth damage. If you have a joint disorder, the dentist can recommend wearing a splint mouth guard.
  • Massages. Jaw massages release stress and tension in the jaw muscles and increase blood flow, which can help alleviate your jaw stiffness and discomfort.
  • Cold or hot compresses. Use a cold or hot compress on the affected jaw to relieve stiffness and pain.
  • Medication. The dentist can prescribe pain relievers, antidepressants, and muscle relaxers to minimize jaw pain, stress, and jaw tightness.
  • Injections. Certain injections, such as Botox, can help alleviate jaw pain.
  • Acupuncture. It involves inserting tiny needles at specific parts of the body to release tension and relax the body to relieve pain and stiffness.
  • Surgery. Jaw stiffness caused by serious underlying problems like TMD and facial injuries might need surgery.

Schedule an appointment today

For more information about jaw locking, its remedies, and treatments, contact Yelena Popkova, DDS –Merrimack.

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