What Prevention Really Means for Your Oral Health

What Prevention Really Means for Your Oral Health

March 10, 2020

You may hear a lot about prevention when it comes to the routine care of your dental health. Most importantly, the fact that prevention is the main point of it. For example, from the simple (but consistent) cleaning of your teeth every day to the regular checkups and cleanings that your dentist performs, prevention is typically the focus. However, exactly what you’re preventing, or how your routines impact the success of it, aren’t always clear. Today, we examine what prevention really means for your oral health, and why it’s so important to keep it in mind when caring for your smile.

The goal of preventive hygiene and care

On a daily basis, the main goal of preventive care – or, your dental hygiene routine – is to stop oral bacteria from accumulating en masse on the surfaces of your teeth. These bacteria form the basis of dental plaque and its calcified form, tartar. By preventing them from accumulating and remaining on your teeth surfaces, you can more effectively improve your chances of preventing serious oral health concerns from developing. That includes tooth decay, a common cause behind chronic toothaches, and gum disease, which is the leading cause of adult tooth loss when it grows more severe. By visiting your dentist routinely, you can ensure the success of your daily efforts, or determine early if something has developed.

Your efforts on a daily basis

Your daily hygiene is the foundation of your healthy smile because oral health problems are easiest to deal with by preventing them. The most important part of an effective hygiene routine is consistency. Oral plaque form on your teeth every day, and controlling them takes brushing your teeth at least twice and flossing at least once every day. It’s just as important to be thorough; plaque that develops along your gum line can lead to the development of gingivitis, or early gum disease. The irritation this causes your gums can make it easier for more bacteria to gather underneath them, and the problem of gum disease can grow more severe before you realize it.

The role your dental health team plays

One of the reasons common oral health issues can form even with a good dental hygiene routine is because patients can often underestimate the importance of regular dental checkups and cleanings. Like daily hygiene, consistency is the key to prevention when it comes to professional dental care. When tartar develops, it will take help from your dentist or hygienist to successfully remove it, and early symptoms of common issues may only be noticeable by your dentist’s trained eye.

Schedule a preventive visit today

There are many parts to an effective dental health care routine, but when practiced consistently, they aren’t typically complicated to stick to. To schedule an appointment, call Yelena Popkova D.D.S. in Merrimack, NH, today at 603-595-9400. We also serve the residents of Nashua, Hudson, Manchester, Milford, and all surrounding communities.

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